Week #12 - Back To School BIG Time!
Hi everyone! Wow, this week I've been, as you can tell by the title, Back to school big time. Early mornings, getting used to schedules, after school activities, homework and so on so on. But to be honest, so far I love it. I enjoy all of the classes and activities I'm doing, the teachers and classmates are brilliant and I always come home from school with a smile on my face. I sure do miss Sweden, but I think this is magnificant as well!
Every morning, I've been waking up between 06:25 and 06:50 for school. Although we start at 07:50 and it was a very short walk to school, a wanted plenty of time to get myself ready, check so that all of my homework was done, and pack my lunch. As we are currently having swimming as our PE-unit, so for swimming days I buy lunch at the schools café so that I don't overpack my bag, but otherwise I try to bring my own lunch. It has been a variation between pasta, peanutbutter and jelly sandwich (my favourite!!) and grilled cheese sandwiches. Speaking of the swimming unit, I thought you might want to here how it's going! Everything's going fine. It's really fun, and considering the fact that I'm not neccisarilly a swimmer I think I'm doing a pretty good job! 
If you've read last weeks update, you probably already know that this week was my last week in our service apartment! Some of the many things I'll miss is the amazing views, the short walk to school and of coarse the amazing staff. They were all so kind and they really made our stay even better. 
In everything bad, there is something good. It was very upsetting to leave the service apartments, but I'm already in love with our new house. It's beautiful! One of the highlights is the awsome pool. It even has a slide, how cool? We still have a very limited set of furniture since we are still waiting eagerly for our container from Sweden to arrive, but we've made the best of what we have.  A Facebook group my mom is apart of is a lifesaver. We've found so many used things that we can buy, for example a loft bed for William. Turns out, we bought that bed from a teacher in my grade at school! I still haven't told him yet, remind me to tell you about his reaction! 
Tomorrow is Ludvigs and mines first day of taking the schoolbus to school. We still don't have very far to school from our house, but the schoolbus will just make a lot of things easier. We will only take the bus to school though, so that we can do things with friends or study at the schools library after school without an issue. At 07:35, mine and Ludvigs bus leave fromm the complex gate. I took a quick walk to see how long it takes to walk there from our house, and it's no longer than 4 minutes. 07:30 is still very early if you ask me! I really shouldn't complain though. We finally got Williams busschedule for school today.  Because his school is in a town a while away from ours, his bus departures at 06:33! For a 7 year old little boy that is very, very early. His school starts at 07:30. which is just a few minutes later than when I will leave the house. I'm sure he will love the school, though! From the pictures that I've seen, it looks lovely. William also got chosen to "model" a little for their new magazine. His orientation is tomorrow and he will be meeting his teachers and seeing his classrooms, etc. Tuesday is the big day!
On Saturday, we emptied our apartment and started packing up in the house. It's still a mess though, haha! I've bee trying to get my bedroom as tidy as possible, and since they are built in closets in my bedroom I can put everything in there. On Saturday night, we went to some swedish collegues of my dad and ate dinner with another swedish colleugue and her family. It was so much fun and the food was very nice. They also had the cutest baby EVER!! She was so precious, and she was nly nine months old. Now I have two things on my wishlist... A baby and a dog. Unfortunaly, I'm pretty sure that the first one won't happen in a few years, but we can hope for the second one!
Today, Sunday, I was invited to come on my friends and her family's boat with them. My mom drove me to the gate to their complex gate and met my friend. It was really funny, because we had looked for houses in that same complex! We spent some time at their house first, playing with all of her pets. She had a dog, fishes, a bunny and a hamster. The hamster had just given birth, and the baby was adorable! After that, we went one their boat and stopped by a very nice beach. We had some lunch and enjoyed some swimming. We even found a hermitcrab with a broken shell that we named Hermy, haha! Then, we went back to their house and I later took the minibus back home.
So, that was basically my week!
This is what I'm excited over for next week:
Taking the schoolbus to school,
Getting settled in to the house,
And picture day at school.
Comment down below what you are excited for, I'd love to hear!
See you next week!
Hong Kong Hugs,
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